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White Coffee

Fidalgo Coffee's White Coffee is a mesmerizing divergence from the traditional coffee roast, offering a distinctively different flavor and caffeine experience. Unlike its darker counterparts, white coffee is made from beans that have been under-roasted, stopping well before they reach their typical roasted color. This preserves the bean's natural, raw characteristics, resulting in a lighter hue and a nuttier, more nuanced flavor profile. Rich in caffeine, Fidalgo's White Coffee promises an invigorating kick, making it a choice blend for those seeking a potent energy boost coupled with a unique taste adventure.

The beauty of Fidalgo Coffee's White Coffee lies in its delicate balance of raw potential and artisanal craftsmanship. This exceptional roast demands precision, ensuring that the beans are roasted just enough to unlock their flavors without overshadowing their intrinsic qualities. The resulting brew hints at toasted grains and fresh earthiness, with a velvety texture that dances on the palate. Ideal for those eager to explore coffee's vast spectrum, Fidalgo's White Coffee offers a refreshing and energizing experience that stands apart from the conventional.

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Fidalgo Coffee is certified Kosher – Parve under the supervision of the Va’ad HaRabanim of Greater Seattle
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