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Dark Roast Coffee

Fidalgo Coffee's Dark roast collection embodies the powerful allure of coffee at its most intense. Each bean is roasted to a deep hue, unlocking rich and robust flavors that resonate with those who appreciate the profound depths of coffee. Every sip offers a bold experience, with dominant notes of dark chocolate, toasted marshmallow, and smoky undertones. These beans have journeyed further in the roasting process, embracing the fiery depths, resulting in a cup that's both strong and sumptuously smooth, making it the perfect choice for those who seek a full-bodied and intense coffee experience.

Meticulous in our approach, Fidalgo Coffee ensures that even in its darkest roasts, the essence of the bean is celebrated. We source only the finest beans, and our roasting techniques ensure that their intrinsic flavors are not overshadowed but deepened and enriched. Our Dark roast coffees are not just about strength; they're about diving deep into a rich tapestry of flavors that coffee has to offer. Each cup promises a lingering finish, making it the perfect companion for contemplative evenings or as a powerful kickstart to your day.

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Fidalgo Coffee is certified Kosher – Parve under the supervision of the Va’ad HaRabanim of Greater Seattle
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Burlington, WA 98233

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856 North Hill Blvd
Burlington, WA 98233

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