Spring into 2021 with our next seasonal coffee, Tulip Festival Blend! Roasted dark to bring out smooth, bold, and full notes. Certified Organic, Fair Trade, Shade Grown, and Kosher. Available in 12 oz and 2 lb offerings.
This year’s poster features artwork by Jennifer McGill, jamcgill.com
At seventeen, Jennifer received an art grant from Western Illinois University, and focused exclusively on art at The Art Institute of Chicago & The American Academy of Art, studying watercolor with the late Irving Shapiro, graduating with honors in 1990. During her final year, Jennifer received the Union League Civic Arts & Foundation Scholarship for Fine Art. Later on, she discovered her father attended the Art Institute of Chicago 27 years earlier!
She has received numerous prestigious art and design awards and won a range of art competitions. Her work is worldwide with collectors, products, and installations. Jennifer’s career includes working as a Designer and Illustrator for Enesco, Bunnies By The Bay, and Dillon Works.
When purchasing a bag of Tulip Festival Blend, 5% of proceeds from this Artist Series label coffee will go to The Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, a Washington State Non-Profit Organization.
Learn more about the 2021 Skagit Valley Tulip Festival Here: tulipfestival.org
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